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Research Projects

Listed below the funded by the European Union competitive research projects:

  • DigNest – Digital Entrepreneurial Nest and Industry 4.0 in Montenegro 
    Period of Project: February 2021 – January 2024
    The project is focused to support modernization of HEIs in Montenegro by enhancing their cooperation with wider businesses in order to maximise the benefits from digital technologies in priority areas of agriculture and health while ensuring that students graduates, future experts and the works force are adapting to the digital area.
    European Commission Erasmus+ Project
  • RN4CAST (Registered Nurse Forecasting)
    Period of Project: 2009-2011
    Organizations who participated in RN4CAST gathered data from nursing staff, asking about characteristics of the nursing job. These data have been explored in terms of health outcomes and patient satisfaction. Aim of this multicenter study was to examine the nursing profile and the way nursing job is related to health outcomes, in European context. 
  • EUNetPAS (European Union Network for Patient Safety)
    Period of Project: 2008-2010
    EUNetPaS aimed to develop an active network of all 27 EU Member States with a central objective to encourage and enhance their collaboration in the field of Patient Safety. Specifically, EUNetPaS seeks to promote a culture of Patient Safety, structure education and training in Patient Safety, propose a core European curricula for Patient Safety in higher education and as part of continuing education, implement reporting and learning systems and finally pilot implement Medication Safety. 
  • MEDSKILLS  (A European Standard for evidence based Medical Skills)
    Period of Project: 2005-2007
    During the three years of the project, there has been developed a database with evidence based guidelines for clinical procedures, aiming to provide a free open source for nursing practice, towards the standardisation of clinical practices across Europe. 
  • EIPEN (European Interprofessional Education Network in health and social care)
    Period of Project: 2005-2007
    The prime objective of the EIPEN project was to develop a European Union network to develop and share evidence based education and training practices for the interprofessional collaboration as well as methods and material for the improvements of collaborative practices in healthcare and social work. 
  • FRR  (Friendly Rest Room)
    Period of Program: 2002-2005
    Friendly Rest Room is an EU project which aims at making toilet facilities better suited for older people & people with disabilities. It also involves research to define user parameters for design and development. Many elements of the FRR (seat, grab bars, etc.) are individually adjustable to meet the needs of persons with different functional limitations or disabilities. 
    Τhe WISECARE project focuses on the use of telematics technology for clinical & resource management in oncology care in hospitals. The purpose of the WISECARE was to evaluate the impact of nursing on the quality of patient care in Europe, to systematically use clinical nursing data from electronic patient records for clinical & resource management.
    Period of Project: 1996-1999
    The NIGHTINGALE Project is essential in planning & implementation of strategy in Training the Nursing Profession in using & applying healthcare information systems.
    The NIGHTINGALE Project is contributing towards the appropriate use of the developed Telematics infrastructure across Europe by educating & training nurses in a harmonizing way across Europe in the upcoming field of Nursing Informatics.

    Telenurse is a health sector specific project in relation to the group of projects related to the development of Electronic Patient Records. The objective is the promotion of consensus in Europe about the use of ICNP as common language for nursing.
  • Erasmus MSc Course in Health Informatics
    Period of Project: 1990-1998