PhD Candidates

Spyros Zogas spirosz[at]nurs.uoa[dot]gr
Spyros Zogas studied at the Physics department of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Athens. He got the MSc in Health Informatics at the University of Athens. He is working as a network administrator in the computer lab of the Nursing Department of the University of Athens. It has a great teaching experience and is responsible for teaching laboratories for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the Nursing Department . He has taken part in many Greek , European and international scientific conferences with the last ICIMTH ( International which Conference On Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare-2013) which was active in the organizing committee . From 2009 to today preparing his doctoral thesis.

Parissis Gallos parisgallos[at]yahoo[dot]com
Parissis Gallos is a graduate of the Nursing Department of the University of Athens. In 2008 he took the MSc in Health Informatics. Since 2008 he has been preparing his doctoral thesis, he is a Fellow of the laboratory and he also participates in teaching laboratories in undergraduate and post graduate courses in the computer labs of Health.

Magdalene Karagiannis magda.karayanni[at]gmail[dot]com
Magdalene Karagiannis graduated from the Department of Nursing of the University of Athens in 2006 and after two years she took the MSc in Health Informatics. From 2008 is a PhD candidate. Participates in teaching laboratories in undergraduate and post graduate courses in the computer labs of Health.

Paschalina Lialiou pash_lialiou[at]hotmail[dot]com
Paschalina Lialiou graduated from the Department of Nursing of the University of Athens in 2009 and completed her Master's degree program with a specialization in Health Informatics in 2011. She is a doctoral candidate in Health Informatics Laboratory, Faculty of Nursing. Involved in teaching the following undergraduate course "Introduction to Data Processing" and "Health Informatics", as well as in teaching the course "Special Topics in Computer Science" in the context of undergraduate courses. Finally working as a nurse in the Pediatric Clinic of Mother.